Reading - 1 EM (3rd. quarter-2013)



Old Sarum is where Salisbury used to be situated till about 1,500 years ago when the locals moved from this dry hilltop spot to its present spectacular site by the river.


At Old Sarum you can visit the ruins of a prehistoric hill fort, a medieval castle, a cathedral, and a town. The site is set out with information panels explaining the history of this unusual and atmospheric place.


It’s best to pick a clear sunny day for your visit, when you’ll have a great walk with superb views across many miles of the surrounding area, so it’s a good idea to take a pair of binoculars and a warm jacket as it can be quite windy on the hilltop.




Text 2 -

A Broken Leg

Story By: Judie Eberhardt


All the kids were getting ready to go outside for recess. Miss Riley had talked about playground rules with her class on the first day of school. “No jumping off the swings,” said Miss Riley. “You could get hurt.” “What other rules did we talk about?” Miss Riley asked the class. “No pushing or shoving,” said Tyler. “That’s correct.”


After reviewing the playground rules, the class headed outside. It was a beautiful sunny day and only the third day of school. The girls went off into a circle and started playing Duck, Duck, Goose. Some of the boys were playing tag.


Robbie and Jeff decided they wanted to go on the swings. “Watch me jump off,” said Robbie. “Don’t jump,” said Jeff. “Remember what Miss Riley said.” “She’s not looking,” said Robbie. “She won’t know.”


Just then Robbie jumped and landed on his leg and let out a huge cry! “Help,” he yelled. “I can’t move my leg.” All the kids started to run toward Robbie, as well as Miss Riley. “What happened?” asked Miss Riley. “Robbie jumped from the swing, and I told him not to,” said Jeff. Robbie’s eyes filled with tears. He was in a lot of pain. “It looks to me you have a broken leg,” said Miss Riley.



“Robbie, why did you jump from the swing after we talked about this in class?” Robbie did not answer. She told Jeff to go inside and get the school nurse. Miss Tanner came out and said she called the ambulance to come get Robbie. After they took Robbie to the hospital, it was time for the class to go back inside. Miss Riley had another talk with the class about following directions and the rules for the playground. “What have you learned from what happened today to Robbie?” asked Miss Riley. Lucy raised her hand and said, “We need to listen to the rules and follow them so we don’t get hurt.” “Very good,” said Miss Riley. “If Robbie would have listened to my directions and not jumped off the swing, he would not have broken his leg.” “I hope you have all learned something from this.” “You can play outside and have fun without getting hurt.” “Now, let’s make some cards for Robbie to cheer him up,” said Miss Riley. “I’ll take them to him after school and see how he is doing.”




Text 3 -


Encontre o lugar correto para cada palavra abaixo:  SOME  -  NO  -  NO  -  SOME  -  ANYTHING  - ANYONE





                Anorexia nervosa is, in simple words, self-starvation. _____________ anorexics (or anorectic) are described as “walking skeletons”, and are often characterized as stubborn, vain, appearance-obsessed people who simply do ____________________ to lose weight. Anorexia is a Greek word meaning “loss of appetite”, but only in the late stages of starvation people lose their appetites. Instead, an intense fear of weight gain makes anorexics deny their hunger. ________________ who has the following symptoms should see a doctor urgently.


a)       Body weight that is about 15% or more below normal for age, height, and body type.

b)       An intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even if they are underweight. Losing _____________ weight makes the fear even worse.

c)       A distorted body image. _______________ may feel fat all over, or see any body part, as the stomach or thighs, as being too fat.

d)       In women, there is ________________ menstrual cycle or an absence of at least three consecutive cycles.